Browser styling

You can customize your graph query result either in place or by using Graph Stylesheet (GraSS).

Style your graph visualization in place

Neo4j Browser also provides functionality for styling with color and size, based on node labels and relationship types.

Label and type overview

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If you select a node label in the Overview, there are several styling options available:

  • Color — set the color for nodes of the selected label.

  • Size  — set the size for nodes of the selected label.

  • Caption — set what should be displayed as the caption for nodes of the selected label.

Set node style

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If you select a relationship type in the Overview, there are several styling options available:

  • Color — set the color for relationships of the selected type.

  • Line width  — set the line width for relationships of the selected type.

  • Caption — set what should be displayed as the caption for relationships of the selected type.

Set relationship style

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If you select a node in the graph result frame, the Node Inspector Panel toggles up on the right and shows labels and properties; selecting a node label works the same as in the Overview.

Example 1. Styling for selected node labels

You can click the Movie label in the graph and change the color, size, and captions of all nodes labeled with Movie.

Changes to nodes labeled Movie

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If you select a relationship in the graph result frame, the Relationship Properties shows the type and properties; selecting the type works the same as in the Overview.

Example 2. Styling for selected relationship types

You can click a relationship in the graph and change the color, line width, and captions of all relationships with the same type. For example the ACTED_IN is selected.

Changes to relationships with type ACTED_IN

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Style your graph visualization using a GraSS file

Alternatively, follow the steps to customize your styles by importing a graph stylesheet (GraSS) file for Neo4j Browser to reference.

  1. Run the command :style and download your current graph style by using the Export GraSS option.

    Neo4j supports both CSS and JSON format as a .grass file contents.

    Example 3. Sample of a .grass file contents
    node {
      diameter: 50px; (1)
      color: #A5ABB6; (2)
      border-color: #9AA1AC;  (3)
      border-width: 2px; (4)
      text-color-internal: #FFFFFF; (5)
      font-size: 10px;
    relationship {
      color: #A5ABB6;
      shaft-width: 1px; (6)
      font-size: 8px;
      padding: 3px;
      text-color-external: #000000;
      text-color-internal: #FFFFFF;
      caption: "<type>"; (7)
    node.* {
      color: #C990C0;
      border-color: #b261a5;
      text-color-internal: #FFFFFF;
      defaultCaption: "<id>";
    node.Status {
      color: #F79767;
      border-color: #f36924;
      text-color-internal: #FFFFFF;
      defaultCaption: "<id>"; (8)
      caption: "{name}";
    node.Person {
      color: #DA7194;
      border-color: #cc3c6c;
      text-color-internal: #FFFFFF;
      defaultCaption: "<id>";
      caption: "{name}";
    node.Movie {
      caption: "{title}";
    1 Diameter of a node circle.
    2 The color of the circle.
    3 The color of the circle border.
    4 The width of the circle border.
    5 The color of the text that is displayed.
    6 Diameter of a relationship circle.
    7 The text that is displayed.
    8 The default caption if no specific caption is set.

    If a node has 2 styled labels, only the first (closest to top) style is applied. If a node does not have a label that is in the GraSS, node is used as the default. Same applies to relationships.

  2. Edit the downloaded file locally using your editor of choice.

  3. Drag and drop the saved file to Neo4j Browser’s window.

The GraSS parser is open source.